As a family business, we pride ourselves on excellence in client service and as such your peace of mind and satisfaction throughout the building process is very important to us.

Pre-Construction Phase

A Complying Development Certificate (CDC) is a combined planning and construction approval process. This process is generally faster than a DA/CC application as it can be assessed by a private certifier or your local Council. This process typically takes 2-4 weeks depending on the nature of your application, the characteristics of your block, Council area, objections from neighbours and any other additional information requested.

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact. There are 6 BAL classifications. Where your house is greater than 100m from any classified vegetation, the BAL rating will more than likely be BAL–LOW and will not require any special construction requirements. Where there is a risk or potential that ember attack could affect your home (typically because it is closer than 100m from classified vegetation) it will be classified between BAL 12.5 to BAL 40. The lower the number, the less special construction requirements to be met. The most extreme category is BAL FZ (short for flame zone) where a building is directly adjacent to bushland and there are various special construction requirements that could end up adding over $100,000 to your total build cost. Depending on the BAL classification, different (often less combustible but more expensive) construction materials will need to be substituted.

The person who send you your Final Plans for approval will be your Customer Service Officer (CSO) through the Construction phase.

To get the most efficient response to any questions/concerns you may have, please direct them to your CSO in the first instance. The Pulse website will provide you a list of your build team members.

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request to carry out development within a Local Government. The DA contains documents and forms that show the merits of your project and it must include how it adheres to building requirements (local, state and federal). 

This process typically takes 6-8 weeks depending on the nature of your application, the characteristics of your block, Council area, that Council's workload and specific requirements, objections from neighbours and any other additional information requested by Council. In addition to the DA approval, we will then need to proceed to the Construction Certificate process, which typically takes 2-4 weeks.

A Construction Certificate (CC) is a certificate issued by a Principal Certifying Authority (Private Certifier or your local Council) and is also required as it will allow us to start construction. The certificate confirms that the development specifications and construction plans are consistent with the Development Consent and comply with the Building Code of Australia.

This process typically takes 2-4 weeks depending on the nature of your application, the conditions contained in the Development Consent and any other additional information requested.

Construction Phase

As all your orders are processed not long after signing a Contract, any changes made require administrative time to contact suppliers and trade and issue revised orders. This is an administration charge to change orders, plans and any other documentation applicable to accommodate the variation.

Beechwood follows statistics provided by the Bureau of Meteorology. A rain day is day where rainfall in a particular area is greater than 1mm. 

Unfortunately weather is something we cannot control.

Maintenance Phase

Once settlement has been reached and you receive the keys to your home, your 90-day maintenance period begins.

Any non-urgent items that you would like reviewed. We encourage you to download the ‘Maintenance Checklist’ from the Pulse Portal, and type in anything you feel needs our attention. 

While most will not require immediate attention, you will be given an emergency contact for urgent matters.

Once it reaches the end of the 90 days, email your list to our Maintenance Team.

Once your list has been received a confirmation email will be sent and your list will be processed.  Once it has been processed someone from Maintenance Team will contact you to arrange a time suitable for us to inspect these matters to determine what works are required to be actioned.

After the appointment, the inspection report will be processed and any necessary works will be issued to trades and Maintenance Team members. A Maintenance Co-ordinator will contact you from Beechwood by phone or email to advise which trades will be attending to the works.